🔦 Project Spotlight: Bittensor

Confused about TAO? Here's what you need to know

🌵 Exploring DeAI🌵

Project Spotlight

Market Metrics

Total Crypto Market Cap: down 3.3% to $2.17T
Total AI Sector Market Cap: down 3.8% to $21.05B

Top Movers (24 hours):

📈 Spectre AI (SPECTRE): up 12.2% to $1.65
📈 Sleepless AI (AI): up 4.7% to $0.4189
📈 Golem (GLM): up 2.8% to $0.3227

X Spaces

We have three X Spaces this week, which will feature some of our favorite personalities and projects in the DeAI space. Here is what we’ve got:

Monday (Today) @ 8:30 AM EST: The Bull Case for Crypto AI ft. Blocmates

Tuesday @ 6:00 PM EST: Democratized AI Models ft. ORA Protocol & Talus Network

Thursday @ 5:00 PM EST: Surprise 😏


Weekend News

🟠 It was a pretty quiet weekend for the DeAI sector but TAO mindshare is dominating AI tokens and still trending up just in time for Bittensor week 😎

Project Spotlight 🔦 

Bittensor is a decentralized network that coordinates AI and machine learning engineers to solve complex problems that require advanced AI capabilities.

Through their AI/ML model contributions, these engineers compete amongst each other to provide the most accurate and efficient outputs for a variety of tasks — governed by the rules established by each Subnet.

In essence, this creates a decentralized and dynamic marketplace for knowledge commodities, where AI/ML solutions are directly valued in relation to the problems that they models are solving.

The Bittensor School

To understand how Bittensor works, imagine it as a large school with numerous classrooms. Each classroom, or "subnet," represents a different AI experiment or task. The school currently has over 32 classrooms, with more being added regularly.

In this school analogy:

  • Classrooms are subnets, each focused on a specific AI task

  • Teachers are validators, evaluating the quality of work

  • Students are miners, completing assigned tasks and improving their AI models

In this system, the students are all competing with one another to produce the best output in order to get the “best marks” from the teacher. This competition ensures that outputs are constantly improving and only the best AI models.


As mentioned, the Bittensor ecosystem revolves around its subnets - specialized networks dedicated to specific AI tasks or problems. These subnets are the core of Bittensor, where the actual AI work takes place. Within each subnet, three main actors play crucial roles:

  • Miners: These are the AI/ML engineers who develop and run AI models to solve specific problems within a subnet.

  • Validators: They evaluate the quality and accuracy of the miners' outputs, ensuring high standards are maintained.

  • Subnet owners: They design and oversee the specific AI tasks and incentive structures for their subnet.

Tying these actors together is Bittensor's blockchain infrastructure, which handles the coordination, incentivization, and reward distribution using the native TAO token. This structure allows for a diverse range of AI tasks to be tackled simultaneously across multiple subnets, each with its own focus and expertise.

Let's take a quick tour of some notable subnets:

Subnet 3 (Text-to-Speech): Here, students work on creating AI agents for content creators and consumers. It's like a language lab where AI learns to speak and interact.

Subnet 5 (Web3 Data Indexing): This classroom focuses on organizing and retrieving web3 data efficiently. Think of it as a digital library for blockchain information.

Subnet 6 (AI Model Fine-Tuning): Students here work on improving existing AI models, making them smarter and more efficient. It's like a continuous improvement workshop for AI.

Subnet 8 (Time Series Prediction): This classroom is about using AI for trading predictions. Students create algorithms to forecast market movements, potentially changing algorithmic trading.


What makes Bittensor unique is its reward system. The native token, TAO, is distributed every 12 seconds to incentivize participation and quality work across all subnets. This creates a dynamic ecosystem where continuous improvement is not just encouraged but required to remain competitive.

Looking ahead, Bittensor is preparing for an upgrade with the introduction of Dynamic TAO (dTAO). This change aims to decentralize the decision-making process for TAO distribution even further. Instead of relying on a small group of top validators (the current "Root Network"), dTAO will allow all TAO holders to influence how rewards are allocated across subnets.

The benefits of dTAO include:

  1. Increased decentralization in decision-making

  2. Better alignment of incentives with the overall health of the Bittensor ecosystem

  3. More dynamic and responsive reward allocation based on the perceived value of each subnet

This shift is expected to accelerate development within Bittensor, as subnet developers will need to continuously demonstrate value to attract stake and rewards.


Bittensor’s ability to host a variety of AI tasks – from language processing to financial predictions and scientific research – showcases its versatility and potential impact across many use cases.

As Bittensor continues to grow and evolve, it offers a glimpse into a future where AI development is more open, collaborative, and aligned with the collective interests of its participants. Whether you're an AI enthusiast, a blockchain advocate, or simply curious about the future of technology, Bittensor is a project worth watching.

Meme of the Day

We are officially immune to pain.

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